Institute of Political Science Louvain-Europe (ISPOLE)

The Institute of Political Science Louvain-Europe (known by the French acronym ISPOLE) brings together researchers working on political and policy-related issues at national, European and international level from a multidisciplinary perspective and covering a wide range of topics, such as power; political identities; collective memory; political institutions, players and behaviour (voting behaviour, political participation, etc.); domestic and international conflicts; European integration; foreign policy and diplomacy; globalisation; regionalism; humanitarian aid; public policies (publ About


The Critical Uses of Numbers in Activism: Citizen Debt...

BAILLY Jessy, « Contester par les chiffres : analyse des collectifs d’audit citoyen de la dette en France, en Espagne et en Belgique »,...
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AI IR: Charting International Relations in the Age of...

Stephane J Baele, Iqraa Bukhari, Christopher Whyte, Scott Cuomo, Benjamin Jensen, Kenneth Payne, Eugenio V Garcia, AI IR: Charting...
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Ai Extremism: Technologies, Tactics, Actors

Stéphane J. Baele, Lewys Brace. AI Extremism: Technology, Tactics, Actors. VOXPol Reports....
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